Latest News


Duke´s marchandise available soon!

Opening Duke´s

We are aimimg to open 3 of Duke´s Waffles restaurants by Oct. 2021

Duke´s Mobile App

Duke´s mobile App will be available on App Stores for Apple and Android.

Duke´s Music

Duke´s Music will be available at all of Duke´s restaurants and on Duke´ s mobile App.

Opening Duke´s restaurant in 2021. 

Dear business partnesr and future Guests, we´er writing to provide you with a perspective on the current situation and which mission that’s lying ahead of us.

Our entire organisation are working to open Duke´s Waffles restaurants is some of the coolest cities in the world. We are confidence that in just a few months we will have 3 of Duke´s Waffles open in your town. 

Duke´s mobile App

release in 2021. 

We are developing Duke´s Waffles mobile App.

The App will be released by the time we open the first Duke´s Waffles restaurant. 

Duke´s music & playlist in 2021. 

Duke´s is developing its very own music streaming platform that with great features and will be available at all Duke´s Waffles restaurants and at Duke´s mobile App

Contact us

Send us a short and sweet message, of what require.